RWDSU members work in a variety of industries, across the entire retail sector from warehouses to e-commerce to brick-and-mortar stores; we work throughout the entire food chain from farm to table including everything in between food processing, distribution and sale; and you can find us in manufacturing, healthcare, service and public sector jobs, across the cannabis sector and at non-profits. You name it, RWDSU members do it. What unites us is simple: we all join together in the fight for dignity and respect at work as one UNION STRONG!
The need for a union voice at work is more critical now than ever before. Workers today are fighting for and winning a union voice with RWDSU in record numbers. With corporations giving workers less and expecting more, workers across every sector are saying enough is enough and securing their seat at the table with strong union contracts. Interested in forming a union at your workplace?
RWDSU News & Updates
The need for a union at work has never been more critical!
Workers today are fighting for and winning a union voice with RWDSU in record numbers. With corporations giving workers less and expecting more, workers across every sector are saying enough is enough and securing their seat at the table with strong union contracts. Interested in forming a union at your workplace?
Already an RWDSU member?
RWDSU members built and joined their local unions to protect their rights, improve their working conditions, pay and benefits, and to secure security on the job. With a union, workers have the right to collectively bargain over working conditions including items such as safety standards, training, breaks, pay, benefits, and other important issues that make workplaces better. Union representation means having someone who will stand up for your interests at work. It means having a voice, a way to say to your boss that the concerns of workers are every bit as important as the company's bottom line. If you’re already an RWDSU member looking for your union benefits, tools and resources, information on immigration and more, visit our RWDSU member portal.